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March 2015



Collen Macklin visits Temple

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Colleen Macklin, a game designer who uses her abilities to develop community support and engagement, lectured to students in Annenberg Hall on Feb. 25 as part of “Game Design for Social Change.” Macklin has designed historically-based digital games and large group icebreakers games that tackle ideas like activism, climate change and financial topics. Macklin said understanding a community’s subtleties can benefit a designer when creating a social justice project. Her belief is that understanding a community can help foster a sense of involvement and camaraderie. Macklin is an associate professor of design and technology at Parsons School of Design in New York. She has helped to develop a curriculum for the Boys & Girls Club and to design disaster preparedness games for the Red Cross. Her work has been featured by various organizations. She is currently working with collective Local No. 12 to help design The Metagame, a card game that will give players a chance to debate a variety of topics with one another.